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Introduction to Robotic Fabrication in Architecture

Parametric and Fabrication | Robotic
Forth year | Winter 2019
Tutors | Karen Lee Bar-Sinai & Tom Shaked
Location | Mitzpe Ramon
Co-partners | Sione Scheiner | Almog Cohen

Our project is located in the center of the building site in Mitzpe Ramon. Because of this, we decided to create a system of objects that will connect the different areas of

the site through an aesthetic and functional system. This system is formed by stairs and terraces that sit side-by-side, in a way that the depth of two stairs is equal to the depth of one terrace. The system, therefore, becomes more than

just a functional stair, but encourages the visitors to sit and gather in this area. Overall, a system of four stairs and two terraces is proposed.

The construction process of this system can be categorized into three consecutive phases:

carving the site, printing the six objects that constitute our stair-terrace system and stacking the objects together on-site to combine the system as a whole. First, the site is carved in a way that two objects are partially buried in the ground, so the structure as a whole is supported by the

ground. In this matter, the system is partially printed and partially ground-scaped.

Then the objects are printed and placed together in a stacking technique. The objects are designed so that each stair and terrace is interlocked with one another, which contributes to the systems stability.

Because of this construction method, without one of the elements or the specifically carved ground, the system cannot be supported. Therefore, this system must be recognized as one homogenous structure that is unified with the ground it grows from.

This project is part of a research for the Topology Research Laboratory at the Technion,

which working on new ways of architectural design on Mars.

Project Gallery

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